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Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania 

Worshipful Master Message


I hope all the Brothers are well as we attempt to navigate through this crisis and trying times. I am sure this has disrupted all our lives in many ways. If any of our Brothers needs any assistance, please feel free to contact myself or any Lodge officer as we would be happy to assist. I want to reassure all the Brethren the restrictions we are under are only temporary. As soon as the potential dangers and restrictions are lifted we will be back to normal meetings and gatherings.

We should remember our oaths and obligations as we endure these trying times and continue to practice the virtues we are taught in Freemasonry. The Lodge officers and I will continue to keep the Brothers informed of any decisions, updates and recommendations from the Right Worshipful Grand Master. May God bless us and our Great Nation, and I look forward to seeing you in Lodge.

Sincerely & Fraternally,

Brother Bill Welter, WM


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